Saturday, September 06, 2008

Headsprout is Sprouting at PS71Q

PS71Q has officially launched the Headsprout computerized reading program. All the first grade and Kindergarten students have their own Headsprout accounts as do some of our English language learners and 2nd graders.

We are so excited about Headsprout and love using it. If you would like to find out more about this program, comment on my blog or stop by room 307.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Headsprout in 2008

We had a great year using Headsprout. Some of our parents requested to have their children access Headsprout from home over the summer. If you are interested in having access from home, please send me a note.

If you would like more information about Headsprout, go to or contact the school.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

PowerPoint Presentations

Boys and Girls,

Here are some PowerPoint Presentations that were created by other students. Please comment on their wonderful work. We learned so much about PowerPoint. Enjoy. Click on the sites below each child's name to view their slideshow.

Angelina 1-208

Breanna 2-301

Gabriela 2-306

Emily 2-302

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Name Change - Mrs. Skoblar is now Mrs. Lucin

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let everyone know that my name has changed from Mrs. Skoblar to Mrs. Lucin. I am still the same person though. I know some of you have been a bit confused because you hear other students referring to me as Mrs. Lucin. That is now my new name. If you forget and call me Mrs. Skoblar - do not worry - I will still respond. My new blog is located at come visit this site.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Technology Time

It's Technology Time! Let's share our greatest ideas for using technology. I look forward to hearing your wonderful ideas.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Powerpoint Fun

Ms. Skoblar and Mrs. Riedlinger really enjoy working on PowerPoint Presentations. Do you? Please let me know.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Children

These are my children: Rino, Karina, Joni and Tiana. They all absolutely love using computers and do not allow me to get much time on the computer. Do you love using the computer also? Please comment about your favorite computer activities.